
Kakos Bdeo Street/Subversive Art


Kakos - The meaning of post-modern life.

Contact @ kstreetart@hotmail.com


Zizek wears Chomsky

I am hare paying great respect and thanking a great photographer 4foo2 from Brighton for his work. 

Che is my ideology Marx are ppl ideology

Life long to corporatocracy


Beyond the pole, Social construction of gender.
Photo by 4foot2

Market little puppet

                                                               No freedom of speech

Contact/work/buy/threat/donation/feedback e.g. you are shit: kstreetart@hotmail.com

We fucked the earth. We make money exploiting kids. Globalization is destroying our communities and making a few very wealthy. But the hidden truth is that one day all that will be worth when humanity takes over the space and capitalism start fucking everything up there as well as we did on the Earth. Kakos  

Frequently asked questions

                              Do you graffiti?
No, I am not that good. I am pretty shit on it. 

                              Which is your style? Do you have one?
I am massively keen on the eye sore or non sense Technic. 

                              Who is your favourite artist?
I like Le rat and the Gemios (twice) from Brazil.

                              Where are you actually from?
I am from B-613. I had to move from B-612 we had climate change up there.

                             The good thing about pop culture is that any idiot can be a success. Kakos

They created a new type of people on the earth. This new type of people are not human, they don't deserve fair trail or human rights. They don't make those people invisible but worms of society and they drill this into our minds. Kakos

The only terrorist on the world is in the white house. Kakos.


Com-Dem Message to society: You all have enough for tea and alcohol so don't go up there protesting or we may will cut the tea as well. "They won't cut on alcohol coz if you die it is a bonus" Kakos  

Very angry bird

                                                 It was a self made game, Very clever.

nem santas, nem putas, si sociomente oprimidas.

You have the right to freedom of expression in some countries. In other countries you may have if you don't upset a company, a corporation, a king, a prince, a PM, a footballer, a banker, god, a police officer, a judge and ... So basically fuck the shut up. Kakos 


Contact/work/buy/threat/donation feed back e.g. you are shitty: kstreetart@hotmail.com

Institutions gonne mad. No food or drink! 

I am just like you. I don't know how Bushit got there. It is like a turtle on the top of a lamp post, You don't have a fucking clue how it got but is there. Kakos                                                                                                                                                         

My pet. An anarchist elephant  

A well used propaganda. 

El santo de Dios
Art Odyssey 

Poison lol

This it on society from now on... always asking what next....
Contact kstreetart@hotmail.com


                                                                     This a boring wall... interaction
Your country needs you but somehow bye bye NHS. From Uncle Cameron.

Hi, This piece of art street/pop art could perhaps demonstrate the paradox of our rational society. Guantanamo Bay became an INN against human rights, personhood and mankind. It has been 10 years of 9/11 and despite the Supposedly death of Bin Landen the Disney Castle/ the INN still standing firm and strong.

Contact @ kstreetart@hotmail.com
If guns fired love I would have one
You are big but we are numerous 
A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions.

                   Next generation abandon by society 
Where to run sonny? A social dilemma. 

Let's kill the last Red elephant
It's Okay now keep watching TV 
Smoking king

An innocent Playing with danger

Day Dreaming
Vote for a Change
Evil M. MouseSlow midia

Ali for jobs
Ghost of You

Contact @ Kstreetart@hotmail.com

This was painted on the wall of a very unethical fashion shop
Child labour for Profits

Nature, you will pay back

My Profile Me Kakos
What's matter is Profit

A communication problem

Blek Le cat
In Honour Of Blek Le Rat Great Artist.
Good acting now pay me

The Queen has a palace we have the streets

 Fairy illusion 

Kill the house
Crap love love is crap
King Lion the pop
Guatanamo INN (Nothing change)

Sell me

Shoot hearts 

I hate Butchers

No fun society

Fugitive frog

Look down Prime minister

1 comment:

  1. First of all you blog is superb. All the kakos work is amazing. Great work kakos
